
Our Platform

1.       Discipline, Respect and Values.

2.       Get Rid of Common Core, Eureka Math and ZEARN Math.

3.       Values in Education

Get God Back in Education.

  Get Back to Prayer, the Pledge & Patriotism.

  Values in Education–– not Atheism, not Socialism, not Abortion, not Gender Confusion, not Situational Ethics. But Christianity, Patriotism, Honor, Truthfulness, Generosity, Courage, Justice. 

Schools should reinforce the Parents’ Values–– not Remove them.

  Remove Disgraceful and Morally Inappropriate Texts from the Curriculum.

  Appoint an Advisory Committee of Parents & Grandparents to review our Curriculum.

4.       Stand Up for Students, Parents & Teachers!

That is who Education is Really About.

  Not the Politicians, not the Bureaucrats, not the Lobbyists, not the PACs, not the Testing Companies, not the Book Vendors, not the Software Companies, not the Computer Manufacturers, not the Common Core Cartel–– not the Educrats, with No Common Sense, who institute new “Reforms” every 20 Seconds.

Because Education is about the Children, Parents and Teachers, and not the Special Interests, we will pursue excellence in Public Education; protect the right of Families to School Choice; honor our Faith-based Schools; and respect the right of families to Home School.

 5.       School Safety

Make our Schools Safe!

Protect Students and Teachers.

Remove Violent Students.

Stop Bullying.

  Require Bullies to Respect themselves & others–– or Leave. 

  Stop Penalizing Schools and Teachers for Disciplining Students.

6.       Value Teachers, Bus Drivers & Support Staff

Prohibit Disrespect & Abuse of Teachers & Bus Drivers. 

  Stop Forcing Teachers to teach by Scripts.

Listen to the Class Room Teachers.

Protect the Pensions of Teachers, Bus Drivers & Support Staff.

Protect Defined Benefits.

End the Social Security Setoff.

 7.       Effective Curriculum

Reduce the Perpetual Testing. The Whole School Year should not be structured around taking Tests sold by National Vending Companies–– but about Teaching and Learning the Subject Matter.

 8.       Community Involvement

Involve Retired Teachers, Pastors & Community Leaders in Education.

9.       Making Education Local

Decisions should be made in the Local School District, in the Schools and in the Class Room–– not in Baton Rouge, or Washington, D.C.

10.     Ethical Transparency

Prohibit BESE Board Members from taking Fees or Entering into Financial Transactions with Vendors, who do Business with the Department of Education.

Our Children

Our Values

It’s Time to Take Our Schools Back!

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