Johns Record

Seeking Justice in the Courts

John and Carola spent over 8 ½ years without pay to obtain the exoneration and acquittal of a United  States Airman, James Monds, who was wrongly convicted of murder in 1986. 

John and Carola worked several years without pay, to stop the construction and operation of a Strip Club in downtown Shreveport. 

Former Louisiana Education Superintendent, John White, was instrumental in forcing Common Core on Louisiana.  White also helped orchestrate a purported Review of Common Core, which was politically presented as a Reform of Common Core, but which in fact left Common Core over 95% intact.  White was in charge of the Department of Education (DOE), when the DOE approved Curriculum that introduced children to carnage, cannibalism, rape, murder, mutilation, bayoneting of pregnant women, homosexuality and an extra martial affair.  These inappropriate materials were introduced to children–– before they reached 6th Grade.  

While repeatedly telling the public that Louisiana was raising its standards, White actually lowered  academic standards in Louisiana.  As documented by Louisiana Education Expert, Mike Deshotels,

  “Now a student can pass a 4th grade English test with only 27% of the questions answered correctly. A student can pass his 7th grade math test by getting only 23% of the questions right.”

  After John White served his first term as Louisiana Superintendent of Education, White was legally required by Louisiana Law to obtain reconfirmation by the Louisiana Senate to remain in Office. However, White simply ignored the law, and remained illegally in Office after his first term, without obtaining the legally required Senate Reconfirmation.  No Public Official in the State of Louisiana instituted legal proceedings to challenge John White’s blatant violation of Louisiana Law, and his illegal occupancy of the Office of Superintendent, without Senate reconfirmation. 

  John and Carola Milkovich filed suit on behalf of Louisiana Citizens to obtain a Judicial Declaration that John White was illegally in Office.  The Courts never ruled on whether John White was illegally in Office, but denied the suit on the grounds that the Suit needed to be brought by the Governor, Senate President, Attorney General or Baton Rouge District Attorney.  John and Carola took the case all the way to the Louisiana Supreme Court.  The High Court denied their Petition, with Justices Weimer and Crichton correctly voting to Grant Writs.  However, less than 3 months after the Supreme Court denied writs, John White announced his resignation on January 8, 2020.

  John and Carola have performed thousands of hours of free legal work, to help working people get Justice in the Courts.


Advocating for the Community


 ·        Opposed the operation of a dump near Cross Lake, Shreveport’s water supply. 

 ·        Spoke Out Against alcohol sales across the street from a public library frequented by small children, in Shreveport.

 ·        In 2015, opposed the operation of a liquor store across the road from North DeSoto School.

 ·        Spoke out against a roll forward (increase) of property taxes in Caddo Parish.

 ·        Advocated for  a Bible Curriculum in Caddo Parish Schools.

 ·        In 2015, worked to defeat a Caddo Parish Tax Bond Proposal for unneeded school buildings, that would have increased property taxes by $100M.

 ·        Spoke out against Vision 2020, a proposal that would have increased Caddo Parish Property Taxes by up to $600M.

 ·        In October, 2020, confronted the Caddo Parish School Board over a required reading assignment to 12 years, which depicted a dystopian police state in which 24 Youths were condemned to kill or be killed.

 ·        Supported Pro-Life Ministries in Northwest Louisiana.


Work in the Louisiana Senate

John served in the Louisiana Senate from 2016 to 2020.  As a State Senator, John worked to bring Discipline, Respect and Values back to our Schools, and get rid of Common Core; fought to Stop Abortion; labored to Cut Government Spending and Taxes; defended Constitutional rights, Individual Liberties and fundamental freedoms; protected the rights of  Ordinary Citizens to Due Process; advocated for the family farm; and Stood Up for Physicians and Licensed Professionals against Louisiana’s corrupt Licensing Boards, rigged proceedings and crooked bureaucratic shakedowns.  John also took a Stand for the Right of Seniors to live in their own homes.

The Legislation authored and introduced by John, and Legislative stands taken by him, from 2016 to 2020, include:

Education: School Discipline & Safety, Teachers’ Rights, School Prayer and Protecting Our Values:

 SB 128 2019;   SB 55 2018; SB 73 2017;   SB 330 2016  Would have Allowed Local School Districts to Opt Out of Common Core. 

 SB 120 2019; SB 303 2018; SB 158 2017  Would have put teeth into the law protecting victims from bullying.

 SB 301 2018, Teachers' Bill of Rights, Would have recognized Right of Teachers to protect themselves, remove violent students, return Discipline to our Schools. 

 SB 298 2018 Would have Allowed School Staff with Military/Police Training to use firearms to protect students from Mass Shootings.

 SB 253 2018 Would have Allowed Teachers, Staff to participate in School Prayer.

 SB 302 2018 Would have Required State DOE Superintendent to be Reconfirmed by Senate.

SB 308 2016 Would have Limited Amount of State Required Testing. 

 SB 406 2016 Would have protected  Community Schools (Pelican).

 Against SB 198 2016, and FOR School Choice. 

 Opposed HB 402 2016, SB 85 2017, SB 297 2018, HB 1144 2016 Helped Defeat Introduction of Graphic Sexual Content to Students and Small Children.

 Opposed HB 620 2019.  Opposed Lowering Standards for Teachers.  

We must address the Real Reasons teachers are leaving the System:  the Burgeoning Baton Rouge Bureaucracy of the DOE which disrespects teachers and their skills. 

           Voted for SCR 3 ’19, for Pay Raise for Teachers, Bus Drivers & Support Staff.  

Defending the Unborn:

  Introduced one of the strongest Pro Life measures in the United States in 2019, the Fetal Heart Beat Bill, which makes it illegal to abort unborn babies if a fetal heart beat is medically detected.  (SB 184, 2019)

  Introduced one of the toughest anti-abortion laws in America in 2018, a ban on abortions 15 weeks after Gestation. (SB 181, 2018)

  Authorized Closure of Abortion Clinics that destroy Patient records and cover up sex trafficking, abortions performed on minors, and injuries to female patients. (SB 325, 2018) 

  Made it a crime to coerce abortions.  (SB 535, 2018) 

  Ban on Planned Parenthood's practice of cutting up aborted babies for sale.  (SB 128, 2017)  

  Supported Ban on Genetic Abortions on Senate Floor.  (HB 1019, 2016)  

  Supported Right of State employees to invest deferred compensation in companies that do not support abortion. (3-20-17 Letter to Atty Gen.)

Budget Reforms:

 SB 245 2016 would have required Local Tax Elections on Major Election dates, to increase Voter Participation in Tax Votes.

 407 2016 required State to post Contracts with Vendors on Public Website. 

 SCR 48 2017 requires State Agencies to  Publicly Post use of free State buildings versus rental of private properties, to increase use of free State buildings and promote savings in State Government.

 SCR 88 2017 would have required Study of Cost Savings from consolidating Programs in Higher Ed. 

 SR 119 2017 commended Deferred Compensation Board for publicly posting Plan's Performance. 

 SR 123 2017 required State Retirement Systems to Post Fees paid to Investment Managers. 

 Voted against Jan. ’18 Interim Request to Transfer $15.5M from Habitat  acquisition to Office Buildings.

Voted Against  HB 225 ’19.  Voted Against allowing Charter Schools to give away School Buildings, paid for by Taxpayers, to private Charter School Operators.  John Milkovich one of two Senators to Vote Against HB 225 in final Conference Committee Report.  (6-6-19 Journal, p. 46)

●       Voted Against Multi-Parish Super  Taxing Districts.  VOTED AGAINST HB 208 2019. John was the only Senator to Vote Against HB 225 in Final Passage in Senate,

●       Voted Against Judicial Pay Raise in 2019.  VOTED AGAINST SB 27 Only Senator to do so.


Proposed Targeted Budget Cuts:

Cutting Wasteful or Unnecessary Spending without endangering Education, Roads, State Police, Corrections or Medical Care

 Proposed  Budget Cuts in 2017: Amendments to HB 1. Proposed Savings $40M.

 Proposed Budget Cuts in 2018 Regular Session: Amendments to HB 1. Proposed Savings Over $250M

 Proposed Budget Cuts in 2018 2nd Special Session:  Amendments to HB 1, Projected Savings Over $320M

Voted Against Budgets that Contained Unnecessary Spending:

 2017 1st  Special Session.

2017 Regular Session.

2017 2nd Special Session. 

2018 2nd  Special Session.

2019 Regular Session (twice).

 John Milkovich voted against the Budget more times (Six ) than any other Member of the Louisiana Senate during the 2016-2020 Legislative Term.


Voted Against all Sales Taxes in 2018  & Against Sales Tax on Installations. 

  ●       Objected to, Voted AGAINST, AMDT to HB 27 which increased Sales Tax from .33% to .5%, and extended Sales Tax from 2023 to 2025. 1 of 2 Senators to Oppose.  2nd Special Session, Senate Journal, p. 478-79.

●       Voted AGAINST AMDT to HB 27, which imposed sales tax on Installations of Movable Items. 2nd Special Session, Senate Journal, p. 479-80.

●       Voted AGAINST HB 27, which imposed Sales Tax of .5%; extended Sales Tax from 2023 to 2025; and which imposed Sales Tax on Installations of Movable Property. 2nd Special Session, Senate Journal, p. 480.

●       Objected to, Voted AGAINST, AMDT to HB 12, which increased Sales Tax from .33% to .5%; and extended Sales Tax from 2023 to 2025. 1 of 5 Senators to Oppose.  2nd Special Session, Senate Journal, p. 498-50.

●       Voted Against HB 12, which imposed Sales Tax of .5%, and extended Sales Tax from 2023 to 2025. 1 of 6 Senators to Oppose.  2nd Special Session, Senate Journal, p. 500-01.

Louisiana’s Working Families Shoulder Most of the Tax Burden. We Voted Against these Taxes, which would have increased Taxes by More than $3.8B Over the Course of 7 Years

●       Voted Against HB 10, which imposed .45% Sales Tax until 2025. 1 of 6 Senators to Oppose. 3rd Special Session, Senate Journal, p. 672.

We Voted Against these Taxes, which would have increased Taxes by More than $3.5B Over the Course of 7 Years

John was the only State Senator to vote against every Sales Tax Increase in 2018.

Protecting Our States Savings:

 ●       VOTED FOR AMDT to SCR 2 ’17 1st Special Session, and for Reducing Amount of Rainy Day Fund Spent in 2017.

●       VOTED AGAINST SCR 2’17 1st Special Session;  Against using any of Rainy Day Fund.

Louisiana’s Rainy Day Fund (State Savings) Should be Saved for Emergencies.  The more we keep in Savings, the Less Taxes we have to impose in the Future.

Cutting the Cost of State Government:

John did not collect Authorized Rental Allowance or Utilities for District Office.  Savings to State Over  $50,000 to $100,000.

Fighting for the Family Farm:

 Introduced and helped pass SR 120 2017 Memorializing Congress to protect Domestic Beef Industry. 

 Opposed SB 126  2017 Helped Defeat Excessive Regulations on Farmers. 

 Introduced SB 244 2016  Would have Allowed Farmers to kill wild hogs on property without  permit at night during hunting season.


Battling Corrupt Boards, Protecting Physicians & Licensed Professionals

 Fought for Due Process for Doctors & Dentists; Transparency, Fairness and Impartial Decisions in Board Proceedings for all Licensees; Hearings in Licensee’s District, rather than Baton Rouge. SB 187, 2019; SB 260 2018; SB 286 2018; SB 239 2016


Defending Citizens’ Constitutional Rights  

Opposed SB 227 2016.  Opposed Forcing Louisiana Drivers to provide personal information to government "data banks" controlled by foreign corporations.

 SB 242 2016, SB 72 2017, SB 56 2018, SB 118, 2019. Would have recognized Right of Citizens to Address Court in Legal Proceedings. 

 SB 273 Enacted 6-1-18 Random Selection of Appellate Panels; Decisions on Appeals based on Proof, not Politics. 

 SB 257 2018 Would have reduced Appeal Costs for Citizens.

 SB 287 2018 Would have stopped excessive fines for Insurance Lapses.

 SB 216 2018 Would have required Liability Insurers to pay vehicle owners a fair value for vehicles totaled by at-fault Drivers.

 SB 180 2018 Would have made Insurers Liable for wrongfully denying Medical Treatment to  Injured Workers.

 SB 241 Enacted 6-17-16  Protects Rights of Families of Crime Victims to Obtain Autopsy Records.  

 HCR 87, ’18. Supported 2nd Amendment Right of Citizens to defend themselves from Violent Criminals.


Crime & Public Safety

 Opposed HB 264 2018  Helped Defeat Release of  Murderers & violent criminals on grounds that they are "Primary Caretakers." 

 Voted Against SB 220 2017 Against Reduced Sentencing for Heroin Traffickers. 

 Voted Against SB 16 2017 Against Reducing Sentences of Juvenile Murderers to 25 years. 

 Opposed SB 424 2016 Opposed making Juvenile Murderers eligible for  Parole after 25 Years. 

 Voted for HB 116, 2017  Voted to Keep Parolees out of neighborhood of victims, where Parolee committed violent crimes against victim. 

 Introduced SB 243 2016, SB 428 2018 Would have increased Jail Time for Violent Attacks. 

 Opposed HB 899, 2018  Opposed Legal Immunity for bartenders who witness sexual assaults upon female patrons, and do nothing to protect victim.

 Voted for SB 458 2018 to ban Medical Furloughs for First Degree Murder.

 Voted Against HB 613 2019.  Voted against making it easier for thieves to pawn copper and aluminum stolen from air conditioning units.


Health Care with Dignity

 Introduced SB 531 & SB 532 2018 Would have protected Right of Seniors & Patients to live in their own homes.

 Opposed SB 360 2016 Fought against deprivation of water to terminally ill. 

 Opposed SB 446 2016  Fought to keep LSU Medical Center/University Health Open in Shreveport.


Retirement System Transparency

 SR 119, SR 123 both adopted 5-24-17  Commended/Requested Public Posting of performance of State Employees Deferred Compensation Fund & Teachers' Retirement Fund.


Standing up for Soldiers, Police & Firefighters

 SB 74 2017 Would have strengthened Due Process for Shreveport Police Officers.

 Opposed SB 147 2017 & HB 360 2019 Opposed efforts to deny Due Process to members of National Guard. 

 SR 136 Enacted 6-18-17 Advocated for Rights of Soldiers & Veterans to obtain  Service & Medical Records.

 SB 533 2018 Would have allowed Firefighters 5 Year Drop.  
